Tord Gustavsen Trio The Ground
 Two years ago the Tord Gustavsen Trio released the extraordinary successful debut-album"Changing Places". With his new CD "The Ground" he created another masterpiece. Together with bassist Harald Johnsen and drummer Jarle Vespestad Tord Gustavsen guides the audience on a faint melancholic and unique journey. Enjoyable sophisticated music to relax and meditate. A spellbinding work of art. »
Storage and retrieval solutions for historical archives differ substantially
from ordinary commercial document storage and retrieval systems. Historians
and researchers need to combine related information, place complex queries and
browse the digital archive in multiple ways. M-IT developed two software packages
for building digital archives:
Archiopteryx is a client/server-system
used for the management of larger archives.
It mirrors the physical as well as the logical organization of the documents
and gives the user powerful possibilities to organize and search the archive.
Archiopteryx stores and connects
digitized documents (facsimiles/images, audio, video, et c.),
descriptions of the documents, folders, boxes and shelve space.
PhotoPhoenix is a web-based digital photo archive. It has been designed to
hold very detailed information about each picture and store high-resolution
images ready for reproduction. Because of its use of modern Internet/Intranet
technology PhotoPhoenix is easy to administer and suitable for SMEs and small
organizations. Archives created in the local network can be published in whole
or in part via the Internet.