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Saturday, 1/18/2025
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Simon Wiesenthal Archive - Documentation Center of the Association of Jewish Victims of the Nazi Regime

Tord Gustavsen Trio
The Ground

Two years ago the Tord Gustavsen Trio released the extraordinary successful debut-album"Changing Places". With his new CD "The Ground" he created another masterpiece. Together with bassist Harald Johnsen and drummer Jarle Vespestad Tord Gustavsen guides the audience on a faint melancholic and unique journey. Enjoyable sophisticated music to relax and meditate. A spellbinding work of art. »

The Simon Wiesenthal Documentationcentre in Vienna chooses M-IT for digital archiving

In the middle of the year 2001 M-IT has been instructed by the "Simon Wiesenthal Documentationcentre" to analyze the archives and create scenarios for scanning the documents and building a digital index of the publications. The situation and requirements of the documentationcentre have been discussed with the employees of the organisations, external historians and specialists for historical databases. Concepts for both archives were developed and presented to the decision-makers.

In Q4 2001 DI Simon Wiesenthal engaged M-IT to realize both projects. It was not only necessary to create and customize the software and databases, but also to install a complete new IT infrastructure including network equipment. The members of the institution were teached the usage of the soft- and hardware in multiple steps to avoid negative impact of the training period on the quality of the stored information. At the same time they learned how to extract and store the information which is releveant for historians. For highest efficiency it is possible to scan documents, enter and query information on several workstations in parallel. A customized version of Archiopteryx is used for digitizing and archiving the documents, the index of the publications is built using a newly developed individual software solution.

The projects were successfully completed in Q1 2002 and the system was put into operation. Its maintainance costs are extremly low, no IT specialists are needed for permanent operation.
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