Tord Gustavsen Trio The Ground
 Two years ago the Tord Gustavsen Trio released the extraordinary successful debut-album"Changing Places". With his new CD "The Ground" he created another masterpiece. Together with bassist Harald Johnsen and drummer Jarle Vespestad Tord Gustavsen guides the audience on a faint melancholic and unique journey. Enjoyable sophisticated music to relax and meditate. A spellbinding work of art. »
Digitization of political documents at the "Austrian State Archives"
At the end of 1997 the Austrian State Archives together with the Bruno Kreisky
Archives Foundation started an innovative digitization project. Two different
kinds of cabinet documents had to be archived using digital technology:
- 114 boxes filled with correspondence and political documents, which where
collected during the period of government of Dr. Fred Sinowatz, a former chancellor
of Austria, and
- an extensive collection of material originating from the heritage of Dr.
Christian Broda, a former minister of justice.
The goal of the project was to establish a real digitial archive by providing
historians a number of research tools and giving them direct access to facsimiles
of the documents. M-IT's Archiopteryx was used to build the archive. It allows researchers to browse the archive by
topic and to search by criteria including document descriptions, physical characteristics,
keywords and associated persons. Related documents are linked in multiple ways. In case the
digitized version is not sufficient, retrieving the original files is easy. In addition to the
logical structure of the archive Archiopteryx also
stores its physical organization.